It never too late
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It never too late for you to rise to fame, it never too late for you to become the person you are destined to be, it never too late for you to take your place in the world but until you make a move on your dreams, nothing changes.
If you have a dream and you are still waiting for the perfect time to live it out, then you are only deceiving yourself because that perfect time or moment will never come and there is a high chance that your dream will never see the light of the day if you continue to exhibit this kind of mindset.
I want to share with us a short story about Steve Harvey.
Steve Harvey is an American comedian, television host, producer, radio personality, actor and author.
His story is a true definition of rising from grass to grace, he had a dream of becoming a comedian after he discovered that he knows how to make people laugh.
He quit his sales job with an insurance company to pursue his dreams but he paid a big price for making such a decision.
He lost his source of income, his family turned their back on him for making such a decision and he was homeless for 3 years but in the midst of the trials and great tribulation he kept his vision alive and he believed that he has all it takes to make his dream a reality.
Today he owns several talk show, he is worth millions of dollars and he has successfully cemented his name into Hollywood walk of fame.
What a transformation right?
But with all sincerity if he never took the chance to pursue his dreams and if he didnt keep the faith and hope alive, his dream would never had seen the light of the day.
The only reason why Steve Harvey is what he is today is because he had a dream and he nursed the dream to a stage of maturity and on the longrun his dream transformed his entire life and he was able to break the genes of poverty in his life to rewrite the story of his family.
I tell you again that it never too late for you to pursue your dream, anything is possible for a mind that can dream and conceive the future that await him.
Behind your dreams lies your happiness, fulfillment, fame, abundance, peace and wealth, so if you are not living it out it only means that you hate yourself that much to close the door to your own breakthrough in life.
Stop dreaming and start acting, focus your attention on building yourself to a level that you desire for yourself, *your dream deserves to see the light of the day* .
Be inspired🏻
I am a leadership expert, life coach, Inspirational speaker and a content developer
Facebook:Adenike Owolabi